What's Happening?
On Wednesday 27th March, Certification Manager, Chris Butcher will be hosting a hybrid event for those interested in understanding the standards surrounding EN 469:2020 and Structural Firefighting.
What will I learn?
- The principles and test methods
- Alternative Standards - ISO 11999
- Changes from the previous standard
- Future proposals for changes for EN 469 and ISO 11999
- CE and UKCA marking to EN 469
- UK 'Designation with Restrictions' for EN 469:2020
Seminars Details:
When? Wednesday 27th March 2024
Where? The Austin Building, Unit 14 Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EH or attend virtually via TEAMS!
Cost? £95 pr person for non-members, PPE Club members can attend free of charge for up to two delegates
Chris Butcher, Certification Manager for BTTG® in the UK and Shirley® in Ireland. Chris has over 30 years' experience in testing and certification of protective clothing and other technical textile products. He is a technical expert in garment performance and design and has extensive experience in the Certification of PPE, Marine Equipment and Construction Products. Chris was Convenor of the PPE notified body coordination group VG5 for protective clothing and gloves for more than a decade.
10:30am | Presentation
11:30pm | Break
11:45pm | Presentation
01:00pm | Q&A & End
How to book?
To reserve a place, please reply to this email or email onestopshop@bttg.co.uk. Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. Those who want to join virtually will receive an invitation ahead of the seminar with instructions on how to join.
We look forward to hearing from you.