BTTG®'s Impartiality Statement
Publicly accessible impartiality statement: management system certification activities, BTTG® offers services within the framework of European Community Directives and Regulations, Internationally renowned Quality Management Systems, and Accredited and Investigative Testing through conformity assessment by United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS).
At BTTG®, understand the importance of impartiality and the avoidance of conflicts of interest, and have established relevant policies and procedures within the Quality Management System. To support these policies and procedures, clauses within the Terms and Conditions of employment for our staff, and maintenance of additional signed Confidentiality Agreements and Conflict of Interest Statements for all Certification Decision makers have been implemented.
In addition a Certification Management Committee made up of a majority membership of external members is in operation. This committee is responsible for reviewing, evaluating and recommending actions relating to risks to certification process and impartiality as well as considering public perceptions, openness and other factors that could impact on the confidence in the certification process.
In establishing these policies, procedures and committee, by conducting certification activities in line with our internal management system, and by maintaining our Accreditation, Registration and Notified Body statuses through Third Party assessment, BTTG® ensures the objectivity of all work we deliver to existing and new customers alike.

Contact us to learn how we ensure unbiased results for your products.